Carnegie Mellon University

Jeffrey B. Peterson

Professor of Physics

Astrophysics & Cosmology
Wean Hall 8418


Prof. Jeff Peterson

Education & Professional Experience

Ph.D.: UC Berkeley

Professor of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, 2003–
Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, 1993–2003
Assistant Professor, Princeton University, 1985–93

Research Interests

My research group designs and builds novel radio telescopes at some of the world's quietest sites. These are used to study dark energy, which is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate, to search for mysterious distant Fast Radio Bursts, and to search for the turn-on of the first stars to form after the Big Bang. The telescope designs include cylindrical reflectors, huge arrays of satellite dishes, and ultra-precise multi-octave spectrometers. Telescope sites used by the team include Isla Guadalupe, off Mexico, Marion Island, 2000 km south of South Africa, the Xin-Jiang region of China, and Klerefonteine, South Africa. Past work by the team includes Cosmic Microwave telescopes at the South Pole, including White Dish, Python, Viper and ACBAR, which were used to determine the total mass of all contents of the Universe, in effect weighing the Universe.

Selected Publications

L. Philip et al., Probing Radio Intensity at High-Z from Marion: 2017 Instrument, J. Astro. Inst. 08, 1950004 (2019)

Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Kiyoshi Masui, Ue-Li Pen, Jeffrey B Peterson, Improved pulsar timing via principal component mode tracking, MNRAS 475, 1323 (2017)

Aleksander J. Cianciara et al., Simulation and Testing of a Linear Array of Modified Four-Square Feed Antennas for the Tianlai Cylindrical Radio Telescope, J. Astro. Inst. 6, 3 (2017)

M. Amiri et al., Limits on the Ultra-bright Fast Radio Burst Population from the CHIME Pathfinder, Astrophys. J. 844, 161 (2017)

Yu-Wei Liao et al., Accurate polarization calibration at 800 MHz with the Green Bank Telescope, Astrophys. J. 833, 289 (2016)

Rupert A.C. Croft et al., Large-scale clustering of Lyman α emission intensity from SDSS/BOSS, MNRAS 457, 3541 (2016)

S.J.E. Radford and J.B. Peterson, Submillimeter Atmospheric Transparency at Maunakea, at the South Pole, and at Chajnantor, PASP 128, 965 (2016)

Liam Connor et al., Constraints on the FRB rate at 700–900 MHz, MNRAS 460, 1054 (2016)

R.A.C. Croft, J. Miralda-Escude, Z. Zheng, A. Bolton, K.S. Dawson, J.B. Peterson, Large-scale clustering of Lyman alpha emission intensity from SDSS/BOSS, MNRAS 457, 3541 (2016)

Kiyoshi Masui et al., Dense magnetized plasma associated with a fast radio burstNature 528, 523 (2015)

Tabitha C. Voytek et al., Probing the dark ages at z ≈ 20: the SCI-HI 21 cm All-Sky Spectrum ExperimentAstrophys. J. 782, L9 (2014)

Aravind Natarajan et al., Bounds on dark matter properties from radio observations of Ursa Major II using the Green Bank Telescope, Phys. Rev. D 88, 082535 (2013)

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