Carnegie Mellon University
April 05, 2019

Dunlea Named Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

By Jocelyn Duffy

Jocelyn Duffy
  • Associate Dean for Communications, MCS
  • 412-268-9982

Edward Dunlea has been named the director of corporate and foundation relations for the Mellon College of Science. He will serve as an essential member of the MCS advancement team, reporting to Nancy Felix, associate dean for advancement and strategic initiatives.Ed Dunlea

As director of corporate and foundation relations, Dunlea will be responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with key foundations and corporate and institutional partners. He will also work to develop partnerships and funding opportunities with MCS and these entities.

Dunlea holds a doctorate in physical chemistry/atmospheric chemistry from the University of Colorado, an A.B. in chemistry from Harvard University, and has held post-doctoral research positions at the University of Colorado and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After leaving the lab, Dunlea worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.  

Dunlea joined MCS in January 2018 as a special assistant to the dean and soon after was named director of strategic initiatives for MCS. As director of strategic initiatives, Dunlea assisted MCS faculty with grant proposals.

Dunlea’s office is 405A Mellon Institute. He can be reached at The advancement team will still be available to review grant proposals.